
Mountain Goats / Baptist Generals – Taft Theatre Ballroom

The Mountain Goats John Darnielle is well known for his witty lyrics and poignant stories of his childhood in his strangely upbeat songs.  Apparently back in 2007 the Mountain Goats had come to the Mad Hatter in Covington, KY and had some sort of terrible experience and had sworn never to come to the Cincinnati area again.  Yet, after six years they returned to the Taft Theater Ballroom to a sold out crowd who more than made up for the previous experience by singing along with nearly every song and listening attentively as Darnielle told stories and jokes.  At one point after an extended solo section Darnielle mentioned that he doesn’t say the typical “you’re the best crowd” line because he feels it’s too cliche but he said that it’s rare that he can escape so fully into the music and bring the crowd with him on a journey and that this was the most comfortable he had felt on stage in a long time.

Brian Bruemmer
Brian Bruemmer