Another legendary musician has been added to my list of bands. Willie Nelson is as charismatic of a performer as ever. It’s quite amazing to see such a great performance from someone who still has joy in performing after all of these years. Willie Nelson24774647596_fd4de06980_kWillie Nelson24433231529_0c531ef08b_kWillie Nelson24800901835_f6a0fdf1dc_kWillie Nelson24707413621_663f566444_kWillie Nelson24433250759_425f1d9235_kWillie Nelson24800920515_c4720acdc6_kWillie Nelson24800926675_fd2e2b3c6e_kWillie Nelson at Horseshoe Casino - 2.3.1624174062393_f240b6a4e4_k